Frequently Asked Questions
We'll try to answer the most common questions about our (HPDE) Driving Events here. Things like car requirements, convertible rules, helmets, tech sheet, age requirements, spectating, etc.
"What should I wear?"
You'll need to wear long pants (no shorts), a cotton-based shirt, closed-toed shoes, and layers for any changes in the weather. You do not need a full racing fire suit unless you are in a car with no interior. You will also need a SA2015 or SA2020 certified helmet. Most tracks will have some available to rent, but they are limited and first-come-first-served.
"Can I drive my convertible on track?"
This depends on a few factors: the make and model of your car, which track we're hosting at, and your run group.
Different tracks require different safety for convertibles. Most of the time, we will allow all convertibles in the Novice group. Vehicles with OEM pop-up rollover protection and vehicles without OEM roll protection which have an aftermarket roll bar may run in Intermediate and Advanced groups.
For example, most modern BMW convertibles have pop-up protection while Miata's and S2000's do not. So these BMW's could run in all groups while Miatas and S2000's are only allowed in Novice groups unless they have a proper roll-bar installed. However, there is a convertible waiver that you may sign to verify you understand the risks associated with driving a convertible without the recommended rollover protection.
"Are passengers allowed?"
Yes! But only for Intermediate and Advanced drivers! Beginners/Novices will need to be focused without additional distraction in their vehicles to keep everyone as safe as possible. Everyone must sign the track day waivers and must wear a SA2010, SA2015, or SA2020 certified helmet.
"What happens if I damage my car?"
When you drive on track, you are taking an increased risk to what will happen to yourself and your vehicle. However, we never want to push you beyond the limits of yourself or your vehicle. You can go at your own pace on track (as long as you're following the passing rules). Plus if you're too concerned about any damage, you can purchase track insurance through companies such as Open Track - Track Day Insurance.
"How do cars pass safely on track?"
Passing requires both drivers to be aware of what is happening on track. For Novice drivers, passing is only allowed on the main open straights of the track. If a slower driver is being approached from behind by a faster driver, the faster driver must wait until the slower driver gives a "point-by" (hand pointing pointing out of the driver-side window). By waiting for the slower driver to give the point-by, the slower driver is letting the faster driver know they are ready to be passed and the faster driver will know the slower driver is expecting the pass. This is a standard practice at all track day events and keeps everyone involved more safe.Â
As drivers progress beyond the novice group, additional passing zones are permitted to drivers. Most drivers in advanced groups still give point-by's even when not required by the track day organizers.
20-25 Drivers Per Run Group
"I don't want to race against other crazy drivers who don't know what they're doing. What do you mean I have to share the track? It's not one at a time?!"
Most tracks are at least 2 miles long with all cars moving in the same direction. You won't be wheel-to-wheel racing or competing in any way with other drivers on track. However, you will be sharing the same 20-minute run sessions. If you think about it, many cars can fit on a 2-mile stretch of road and for our event there are only 20 vehicles at a time on track at once. Instructors explain passing to novices and novices practice controlled passing to make sure everyone is on the same page at the beginning of the day. If anyone isn't following the rules, they will be corrected before they are allowed back on track or taken off track if any issues cannot be resolved quickly.
"Can I come just to watch the event?"
Absolutely! Spectating for friends of family of drivers are free for anyone to attend! Some tracks charge a small fee around $10 or so for spectators. We like to grant free spectating and ride alongs for friends and family of paid participants. Everyone attending must sign the waivers and anyone riding in a vehicle on the track must wear a SA2010, SA2015, or SA2020 helmet (we do make exceptions for certain helmet certifications, contact us if you have questions about your helmet) and also be at least 14 years of age.
What Should I Bring?
"Aside from my car and my certified helmet, what should I bring to the track day?"
With your car ready to pass tech inspection and your helmet up to our standards, here is a list of items that you might want to consider bringing with you:
Comfortable walking shoes
Extra Drinking Water
Lawn chairs
Sunscreen, umbrella, or hat for shade
Clothes for all weather conditions
Extra engine oil (just in case)
Extra brake fluid (just in case)
Tools to change a tire, (just in case):
Jack stand
Socket for lug nuts/lug bolts
Tire pressure gauge
More experienced participants will usually be willing to let you borrow any tools if you need them but it's smart to be prepared for the worst.
Refund Policy
"I can't make it to the event, can I get a refund?"
We do issue refunds up to 2 weeks in advance, less a $50 service fee. No refunds will be issued less than 2 weeks before the day of the event.
Car Prep
"How do I prepare my car for a track day?"
Refer to our Tech Sheet page HERE. Go over every single item to verify your vehicle is safe to drive on track. Ultimately you are responsible for making sure your car and equipment meet our standards. You are required to bring the sheet with you. The most important aspects of your vehicle are your brakes, tires, and steering system.
Be sure your brake fluid has been recently flushed and the fluid in the reservoir is clear. Your brake pads need to have adequate pad depth to handle a full day of intense use. Please use DOT-4 Brake fluid, as it is designed to withstand higher temperatures than DOT-3 brake fluid.
Your tires must have tread above the wear indicators with no cords showing or damage.
Once you arrive at the track, remove ALL loose items from your vehicle, even if they are snugly placed between seats. You do not want to risk items ejecting from your vehicle or wedging behind your brake and gas pedals. There's plenty of open space in the paddock.
Remember long pants and close-toed shoes.
These are just the basics. Review the Tech Sheet for more details. Contact us if you have remaining questions.
"Can I share my car with another driver?"
If one car will be used for two different run groups (e.g. one driver in Advanced, the other driver in Intermediate) both drivers must pay the full registration fee (i.e. the cost for 2 entries, total). No exceptions. If two drivers are sharing the same run group (i.e. both driving in Advanced), refer to "Sharing Run Group Sessions" below. Novices are not permitted to co-drive.
Sharing Run Group Sessions:
"Can I split my Advanced session with another driver?"
Drivers are permitted to split entry cost for the same run group and their vehicle with 1 other driver per day for an additional $65 registration fee cost (e.g. both drivers in Intermediate II in the same car). Both drivers must drive the same vehicle on track. No exceptions. Drivers are not permitted to splitting one entry using two vehicles. For example: two drivers could both drive the same 1994 Mazda Miata and share the Advanced group by purchasing 1 entry ticket and paying the additional $65 registration fee. However, one driver cannot use the 1994 Miata in the Intermediate group while the other drives in the Advanced group unless 2 driver entry tickets are purchased (refer to Co-Driving, above). Novices are not permitted to sharing sessions.
More Questions
"I have a question you didn't answer here...What should I do?"
Send us a message at info@RevMatchRacing.org and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have! Don't hold back on us!